black and white bed linen

New Stock Parts for Lamborghini Tractors ‘68 to ‘82

W. Stafford purchased an entire Lamborghini distributorship worth of parts in 1977. He has been the sole vintage Lamborghini tractor parts source for several years operating out of Hayward, CA. He has decided to offer for sale the entire set of parts. He estimates the retail value of all the parts to be north of $1.5M. Most parts are in crates and would take up the space of a 40ft sea container.

Stafford Equipment History
Review examples of the inventory

Go to the Products page to see examples of the inventory. There are many things not shown, these are only a few of the types of items in the inventory.

If interested in further information and to discuss the purchase of all of this inventory, use the contact page to email Stafford Equipment.

Lamborghini Tractors covered by this Inventory

"R" Series, designates wheel tractors. "DT" means dual traction or 4 wheel drive:

R-230, +DT R-240, +DT R-350, +DT R-360 & 365 +DT

Models R-470 & 475 +DT

Models R-480 & 485 +DT

Later models: R-235 - R-235DT R-503 R-503DT R-603 R-603DT R-704 R-704DT R-804 R-804DT R-904 R-904 DT "C" Series, designates crawler or steel track units.

The "S" denotes narrow gauge, "L" = largo or wide gauge, "LL" = wide, mountain track gauge.

These crawler models used Lamborghini diesel engines, C-226, C-230 models: S, L, LL C-340 +S, L, LL C-452 +L These crawler models used SAME diesel engines.

SAME = "S" society of, "A" automotive and "M" mechanical, "E" engineers. C-352 + S, L C-503 +S, L, LL C-553, +L, LL C-603, +L C-653, +L C-754, +L